Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So when we went sailing today.... Hayley got to go in the nice calm part of the water but when it was my turn to go out into the water i got to go in the not so nice wavy/windy part.......yay (not) so i capsized(basically flipped the sailboat over) and it was so weird cuz i did it in slow motion after i did it it was so cool because i had to stand sorta on the bottom part of the boat.... but then i had to bail the water out of the boat and that took awhile...... anyways after i flipped i realized i should have said weeeeeee so if Hayley capsizes she's gonna say weeeeeee. :] Also i'm gonna tell the people at camp that if Hayley capsizes we should have a party because for some reason they all really really really really really really really really really really want her to capsize (Hayley if you are reading this, and you're laughing you just KAGed!!!!! lol) but the rest of the day was fabulous! lol
p.s. if u ever sail on a sail boat and ur about to capsize..... let go of the main sheet and you might not capsize (i learned that the hard way)


Hayley said...

Hahahhah I did Kag :D