Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th great day for a Partay! And a short summary of Thursday

Well today as you know was the 13th of Friday.... if that made any sense (or snes i mean i say that sometimes too.) So the crap all started sorta yesterday because i got a really bad sunburn on my shoulders and it was hard to sleep. And then i had to go to the doctors for a annual checkup (*fun* *nr*). So i was thinking w/e let's get this over with and then my mom was all like i want her to get the chicken pox vaccanation and the meningitis one and i was all like w/e i will come back and get a stupid shot but then i found out that she meant i was getting them today and i was all like WHAT?!!!???!!!??!!?!!? And then i started flipping out but that's another story. After that i made my friend Hayley put a picture of my dog Zack on her blog it was kinda funny.
Then we went to my other friends house because she was having a POOL PARTAY! It was fab! ^_______^ Since i had a sunburn i didn't go swimming but i took tons of pictures and i will update with them later! And i even got a good picture of Miss Alanaran Richelle Richelle. But the downside to the partay was that William Richelle(Alana's love) wasn't there (NOT THE OTHER WILLIAM *COUGH* *COUGH*). Just kidding. Anyways in case you guys didn't get to check out Haley's "totally koolio blog", here is a picture of Zack
Isn't he sooooo cute? But he's getting old.... oh well he's still the same Zackie♥♥ luv him!
Oh and yesterday (Thursday), i was at another partay and Alana wore a bowl of cookies on her head! Hayley got a picture and it was quite ummm...... i'll get back to you. Also we had so much fun with noodles. (the kind you use in a pool just saying) That's the partay where i got the sunburn but going to the partay was sooooooooooooooo totally worth it!!!!!!
As i said before i will get more pictures later when i can find the thing that hooks up to the computer!


Hayley said...

Love your blog! Oooo I'm the first one to comment! he hehehe anyways those partay's were fantabulous!

Katie said...

teehee thx! ^_______^