Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy

Last night i slept over Hayley's house (yayyyy) and we were talking and playing this game i think i learnt when i did this RISD theatre camp.... vair vair funny..... And then in the morning we had pancakes..... i wanted waffles so i could say in the morning i'm making waffles but they didn't have any waffle mix :[ and then we watched cash cab and one of the questions was what type of island form is some place or something and i was like BERMUDA TRIANGLE and then i was like wait no no and it ended up being archipelago. So throughout the whole day today i would randomly shout bermuda triangle. So we went shopping at tarjay (target) and then we went to claire's because we had some extra time before we went to go see Get Smart.... Get Smart was wicked awesome!! Luvvvvvvvvvved the shoe phone. Our favorite line from get smart (well at least my favorite line) was when "Max" was flying next to a car (long story) and some kid was like "mommy, mommy,mommy,mommy" and then his mom was like "sean, sean, sean, sean. See how annoying that is!" hahahahahaha yea i kno it's not THAT funny but oh well. Oh yea and one of the previews when we went to see Get Smart was for The Dark Knight (batman movie) and it looks wicked awesome. They did a really good job on the joker.... okay i might have not seen any of the other movies but i plan to before this one is released ^________^