Monday, December 29, 2008

Tom likes RED skittles

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I got a papercut today it hurt!
- Awesome picture of Alex Evans
:@) (its a pig)

Friday, December 12, 2008

December means SNOW! (hopefully)

Random Blog Post:
Tea kettles
Snow White
Canned yams
That 70's Show
Tim Gunn
Nail Polish
The Metric Driod (idk how to spell it)
Chicken Noodle Soup (with a soda on the side)

Friday, October 17, 2008


I was just looking at a post i did awhile ago and i was all like that's right i used the stache... Tim Gunn would be so proud...........I just find that really funny..... and I know some other people would too..............*cough* heidi, blayne, bobby, and nina garcia *cough*

Thursday, October 16, 2008

OHHHH so that's why her name is Lucy

I went to a fabu tea party last sunday and it wasssssssss super fun! I even brought two stuffed animals, Felix Paul the second and Richard, so the other stuffed animals there wouldn't be lonely. We also watched Across the Universe (love that movie) and Edy and I found out some interesting things about the movie.......Edyily realized why they called the girl Lucy..... anyways i will update with pictures laterrrrrrrrrrr

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Updating my blog so hayley and alana will be happy don't have much time today so maybe i will write an more interesting blog update thingy later byeeeee!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy belated birthday guys!

Okayy so i haven't updated in a little while and some birthdays have passed. And no i didn't forget to post them i just really haven't had a bunch of time to update on my blog....... So here's a birthday cake for Greta K., Hayley, and Abbey!!!!!!! ^____________^

Monday, September 8, 2008

A wad of papper plated towels

That is just about the best tounge twister ever and youre jealous. I know you are. So I just wanted to tell you this wicked awesome name Edyily told me today..... It's Paul (Pahhhulll) and i can't remember all the funny stuff that happened in Science today so i will deff update better tomorrow........ sorry :} (That's right i used the stache...... Tim Gunn would be so proud)

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Taubl Family

Okayy correct me if i'm wrong but these guys are hotttttttttttttttttt (especially the one in the white shirt who sings first)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hey you know what else came out on my birthday?

Hahahahaha i'm not gonna even explain that one.... DIONDRA!

anyways i absativley posaloutely love this picture..... peace and love from Katie and Sammy! ^______^

Monday, August 25, 2008

One more day..........

UNTIL SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO summer went by too quickly. But anyways tomorrow is the first day of school and i am sorta excited. But i will only be excited for that one day after that school is just boring (until the last day). So yeah....... this was sorta a random post...........yeah

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A random mime named Betty White who dresses like Frankie Jonas that sings the mysterious ticking noise

So i haven't really posted in awhile (okay a few days) but yeah so i just finished one of the most fun camps everrrrrrrrrrr! It's a theater camp and our group did The Flying Doctor and it was pretty funny. Maybe i'll update with pics later maybe not i don't really know. So anyways your probably wondering why the title is so long (okay probably not but w/e) it's because that is wat i said we should of had at the end of our play because that is what our group (The Doctor's Defying Gravity..... Were the D.D.G.'s wit P.H.D.'s lol hahahahahaha) was obsessed with. We pretty much sang the mysterious ticking noise EVERY DAY (at least once) and then our D.A. (director's advisor or what ever u want to call it) could say all this stuff in this really funny voice that i can't imitate :[ but it was really funnnnnnnnnyyyyyyy.......yeah i already said that.(Yeah ik i've said some of this stuff already but doesn't matter) Anyways i was just like looking around on youtube and i found this really funny and random video it's called Eat Your Greens, Kids!! from MrConor777:

P.S. for Conor and Peter................. "and listen to the artist formally known as Prinnnnnccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeee."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I <3 Syncsta

These people are sooooooooooo totally awesome and the wicked funny too! :]
(Yeah i know i've been posting a lot of a youtube videos lately)

Jake is the one with brown hair and Chris is the blonde hair. How the heck do they do that eyebrow thingy?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Song Currently stuck in my head (besides some others)

Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day.The sun is up, the sky is blue-It's beautiful and so are you.Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?Dear Prudence, open up your eyesDear Prudence, see the sunny skies.The wind is low, the birds will singThat you are part of everything.Dear Prudence won't you open up your eyes?Look around-round-roundLook around-round-roundLook around-round-roundDear Prudence, won't you come out to play?Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day.The sun is up, the sky is blue-It's beautiful and so are you.Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?Look around-round-roundLook around-round-roundLook around-round-rounds

Lyrics found at
p.s. Jim Sturgess is awesome

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Brother no please-

that's my absolute favorite line in the play we are doing for my theater camp. We are doing the Flying Doctor it is fabbbbbulooousssssssssssssss. haha so anyways i just wanted you to know that i love The Ting Tings!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ahhhhhhh i can't copy/paste the actual video so you'll just hav to settle with this one:].... sorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Cahhhh

So on Friday, my mom got the new light green Prius.... it's pretty awesomeeeeee it's a hybrid car so it runs on battery and engine so it saves people a lot of money (and gas) Here's a picture of the light green Prius (Just saying, it looks better from the back lol).

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Which One??????????

Okayy so i want to get a ringback tone but i am not sure which one to get so please comment and let me know which one you like the best (out of these choices obviously)

1. Check yes Juliet- We the Kings:

2. All I want to do- Sugarland

3. Kryptonite- 3 Doors Down

Monday, July 21, 2008

More pics from NH (i am really bored) and other stuff that happened while my floors were getting re-finished

Sunday, July 20, 2008


So we went to go see The Dark Knight yesterday and it was one of the best movies everrrrrrrr and i can't wait to go see it again and will goooooo whenever (if i can) OMG tho Heath Ledger was such a good joker and Christian Bale was still as good a batman as he was in Batman Begins............ So to sum it all up the movie was SUPERAWSOMEGREATAMAZINGLYTHEBESTPERFECTWICKED movie everrrrrrr

Friday, July 18, 2008

OMG soooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!

So the new Batman movie came out yesterday at like midnight and i was soooooooo excited and really wanted to see it but i was with some friends and we didn't get home until late and they had to be up early the next day but what ever........ so here are some pictures i really wanted to put because this movie looks amazing....... we are planning on going to the 10:15 showwww tomorrow............ i can't wait :]

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Picutres from New Hampshire (and some from the day before going up to NH)

I have more pictures but my computer won't let me upload them so i will later...... p.s. i burned myself making mac and cheese today :] (not badly tho)

Saturday, July 12, 2008


So this week in sailing camp i sailed a rhodes 19 in the morning and went out with the opti people in the afternoon..... i went out on an opti yesterday........... but there was no sail on it (we were being towed) and the opti got capsized (but we weren't in it) also yesterday was pirate day and Hayley and Geneva and I tired to say arghhhhhhhhhhh after every sentence it was quite hard actually and then we had a battle. We all sailed our boats (rhodes 19 or optis or prams) into the "battle field" and soaked eachother with water first only the people who were in the optis or prams were allowed to go in the water but since it was the last day, our counsler was just like watevah you guys can go in....then in the afternoon nobody really wanted to sail we just wanted to swim and stuff so we took the prams out without any sails and our counselor, Joe, just towed us out. But since we were in prams, you still have to steer them and my friend, Jack, was in the boat behind us and he was like look at my mad steering skills and then i was like yeah! It almost looks like you're being towed.... I sorta felt bad for him cuz when we went swimming later everyone (including the other opti class) went over to capsize him and Jame's boat. But i don't feel that bad because they capsized our boat after Just in case anyone was wondering (Matt) the camp i went to was @ Edgewood Yacht Club Also i wanted to show you this really funny video that my friend showed me:

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Moose in Maine

Actually there are no moose here but the title sounded better than Maine..... anyways i just wanted to say Hola amigos from Maine.... we went to the beach today and at first it it was like low tide then it became hi tide and there was a few feet of beach lef (not kidding) and last night we had a whole box of sparklers and on the box it said CAUTION FLAMABLE (well gee i didn't know that) anyways i will update with pics of that when i get on my computer at home p.s. i will also eventually update with the pics from NH. Anyways back to the sparklers...... last night since we had so many sparklers, we taped some to the back of my aunt's bike and my cousin rode the bike down the street with the sparklers shooting off the back of the bike it was wicked funny (i have pictures and videos!!!!!!! :])!!!!!!!!!!! So i will update more later.....
P.S. Jessica says hi :]

Friday, July 4, 2008

Palace Playland, Maine.....

So this weekend i am going up to Maine with my cousins Alex and Jessica. We are not staying right next to Old Orchard Beach but we are somewhat close to it i think. So i was looking at Old Orchard Beach's amusement park ( that i've already been to) to see what has changed and stuff.... not much but they did make 3 new rides (yay) so here are some of the rides in palace playland. The second picture is a ride called power surge... and YES i did go on it (2 times :]). In the first picture, the ride is in the background. It is called the terminator and it completely flips over!!!!! I went on that one too and yes i did scream..... a lot. Well those are pretty much the two best rides in Palace Playland. If you want to know more.... look it up. :]

Thursday, July 3, 2008


So today was random word (and point) day at camp and it was like a very weird day.... I only sailed for about 1 mintue (didn't feel very well) and then Hayley finally capsized but she forgot to say weeeeeeeeeee and then later that day Hayley capsized AGAIN (and again if you count the time right after she capsized and as soon as she got it up it fell over again) but she looked really good out there today considering it was a little windy out. Then this kid named Teddy capsized because he needed the bailer to bail some water out of his boat and Hayley was still bailing water out of her boat and then this kid named James kept yelling for the bailer becuase he was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy far out in the bay (sorta) and his boat was sinking. And this kid Jack's finger was wicked swollen i guess because someone stepped on it while he was playing kick ball and this girl Geneva fell through this crack in between the two docks and scraped herself and hurt her elbow (but she went sailing anyways :]) So random word day (bunny) (haha it's a random word) was like a soap opera

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So when we went sailing today.... Hayley got to go in the nice calm part of the water but when it was my turn to go out into the water i got to go in the not so nice wavy/windy part.......yay (not) so i capsized(basically flipped the sailboat over) and it was so weird cuz i did it in slow motion after i did it it was so cool because i had to stand sorta on the bottom part of the boat.... but then i had to bail the water out of the boat and that took awhile...... anyways after i flipped i realized i should have said weeeeeee so if Hayley capsizes she's gonna say weeeeeee. :] Also i'm gonna tell the people at camp that if Hayley capsizes we should have a party because for some reason they all really really really really really really really really really really want her to capsize (Hayley if you are reading this, and you're laughing you just KAGed!!!!! lol) but the rest of the day was fabulous! lol
p.s. if u ever sail on a sail boat and ur about to capsize..... let go of the main sheet and you might not capsize (i learned that the hard way)

Monday, June 30, 2008


So today was the first day of sailing camp and it's wicked awesome!! We learned how to rig and de-rig (un-rig??) a sail boat and then Hayley and i drew this wicked funny picture and tought some kid i wanna say his name was Sam how to say i'm a fat hobo in spanish (Yo vagabundo gordo) then after lunch we went out sailing at first i didn't really want to try it but then when i did it was wicked fun!! :) I named my boat davedays (after the youtube guy lol) but it's not definite and Hayley (Haylee) named her boat egyptianturtle16 (haha). The boats we used are called optis (because were beginners) and they're sooooooo amazing my blog is being stupid so just go to this website and check them out!!!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hey guys.... sorry i haven't put the pictures up yet our computer just got hooked up again!! Were finally back in our house.... (we got our floors re-finished) So i was using another computer. Anyways the past few days have been hetic and my head hurts so much and i'm just so confused.... i don't know what to believe anymore.... you just have to go with the flow and things will eventually work out
P.S. Happy birthday Matt (belated)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sorry :]

I kno i said i was gonna post the pictures today but my hook up camera thingy is being stupid so i will try to post them tomorrow.........
Yay i stayed up until 3 this morning and got up at 12:30 heheheeeeee

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy

Last night i slept over Hayley's house (yayyyy) and we were talking and playing this game i think i learnt when i did this RISD theatre camp.... vair vair funny..... And then in the morning we had pancakes..... i wanted waffles so i could say in the morning i'm making waffles but they didn't have any waffle mix :[ and then we watched cash cab and one of the questions was what type of island form is some place or something and i was like BERMUDA TRIANGLE and then i was like wait no no and it ended up being archipelago. So throughout the whole day today i would randomly shout bermuda triangle. So we went shopping at tarjay (target) and then we went to claire's because we had some extra time before we went to go see Get Smart.... Get Smart was wicked awesome!! Luvvvvvvvvvved the shoe phone. Our favorite line from get smart (well at least my favorite line) was when "Max" was flying next to a car (long story) and some kid was like "mommy, mommy,mommy,mommy" and then his mom was like "sean, sean, sean, sean. See how annoying that is!" hahahahahaha yea i kno it's not THAT funny but oh well. Oh yea and one of the previews when we went to see Get Smart was for The Dark Knight (batman movie) and it looks wicked awesome. They did a really good job on the joker.... okay i might have not seen any of the other movies but i plan to before this one is released ^________^

Monday, June 23, 2008

"Wow that's a beautiful hill"

So the reason i haven't been posting for the last few days was:

1. I slept over Sammy and Ally's house in a tent in a basement

2. Went on family Canoe trip in New Hampshire (if you didn't know..... we have a BIG family)

So since i slept over Sam and Ally's house, i went up to NH with them and it was fun... their dad (Uncle Rick) has like the best "oldies" music like stuff you actually want to listen to *cough* Twisted Sister *cough* AC/DC.... and it was wicked fun going up with them we had candy yeah i feel bad for their parents.....AND MATT IF YOU ARE READING THIS I AM NOT A WHIMP.... i have tons of pictures but i can't post them 'till wednesday.... :[... then when we arrived in NH we went swimming right away fun fun... then we went to bed and Ally got to sleep in our hotel room (So every one could sleep comfortably) and she fell alseep right away. Then randomly she like had a spaz attack in her sleep. Then a few minutes later she started mumbling and then a few more minutes later she said ow and then like a 1/2 hour later she was like literally on me so i didn't get much sleep that night. On saturday we went canoeing (srry if the spellings wrong i'm tired) and we were about to put the canoes in and my aunt realized she forgot the paddles/life jackets for her and uncle rick (kids already had life jackets). So it was about another hour before we went in. Then once in our canoes we started squirting eachother and everyone in my canoe got pretty wet. The people in this "battle" we mainly Ally, Tommy, Danny, and I and Ally kept saying we surrender we surrender and i was like nooooo and then it started raining really hard and that really made Ally want to surrender and i was like you are already wet so what's the point of surrendering. So then near the end (it got sunny) and Ally and I went over to Tommy and Danny's kayak (floatable one) and we tried to tip it over and we weren't armed with our water guns so they kept squirting us. But luckily my other cousin, Alex, came to the rescue and helped (moslty we did it soo i guess we helped him but w/e) and we tipped them over!!!!!! Then we played some games back at the "house" (Our family owns a house in NH and they all take turns in who gets it which week.... etc.) and i told Danny the "pink" joke and the "snail" joke and he was all like you wasted 9 minutes of my life that i can never get back (he said 5 min. for the pink joke and 4 for the snail joke) Thank you Hannah..... :] (Joke teller person) And then the next day we went to this place called Diana's Bath and it was beaUtiful i am not going to make this post any longer than it has to so i am gonna say the pictures explain Diana's Bath themselves. And then after that Sammy and Ally went home and my parent's and i stayed another night and came home today..... we went the long way through Maine so my mom could check out some campgrounds.........

p.s. the title of the post was from a joke(sort of):

So i was in the car with Sammy, Ally, Matt, and their parents and there was this mountain that was huge (i don't think it was Mt. Washington) and Sammy was all like wow that's a beautiful hill and then i was like um... Sam that's a mountain..... and then everyone started cracking up and every time we saw a mountain in New Hampshire one of us would say Wow look at that hill..... there were A LOT of mountains there.......

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Hi this is Buddy the Elf What's your favorite color"

My voicemail says that!!! (For anyone who's thinking that... hmm no not those kinds of colors) And i kno i mite be like overposting a bit but maybe i'm not but i just wanted to put this video called that's what you get by paramore cuz they rock! And also for anyone who wants to kno (Kristen jkjk lol) u can get the MUSIC VIDEO yea i said MUSIC VIDEO :] for pressure by paramore for only .99!!!!! But i didn't find any other paramore vids that are such a bargain! (on itunes)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We ♥ Buddy the llama


Today my mom and i went to the Capron Park Zoo!(for like the millionth time) :] Well i went because i wanted to see this llama that i call Buddy (Lauren and I thought of that). We ♥ him because he spits at people! (He doesn't usually get them tho). And my mom went to see the new male lion that can roar.........*yaaayyyyyyy* w/e he was sleeping. I also went to see the black and white ruffed tailed lemurs (they are my favorite exhibit) and found out they are making a section on the zoo called lemur island.... *fuunnnnnnnnn* (If you are thinking they look like that lemur Zaboomafoo they don't Zaboomafoo is a ring tailed lemur i think). Other than that i spent the rest of the day helping my mom move stuff around the house (heavy, heavy stuff), i went to visit my grandmother, and i went to target..... *whaaaaaawhooooo* *sigh*